TLDR: I (M18) have been talking to a girl older than me. She is super clingy and says she needs me. I new to this and would love some advice on how maturely and nicely end things with her, even if this advice is from Reddit.

Long version.
I’m in an online PE class, this girl from a sister school (same district different school) emailed me. I replied to her and we started talking and I got her information for a messaging app (she either doesn’t have a phone or wouldn’t give me her number. I didn’t push)
We started to talk more until we started FaceTiming through zoom. Everything was good until she started to get clingy which if done but she is really clingy to the point of being obsessive. She set her background to a picture I had sent her of a game I was playing. As far as I can tell she also records our conversations.
I’m not overly comfortable on camera so I generally keep the camera pointed at what I’m doing not on me. The next day she sent me a picture of the one time I appeared on camera captioned “this is my favorite picture of you.” This only last for a few frames so I don’t think she could have gotten a screenshot as I passed the screen.
Having only talked for a week and a half she says she needs me.
I’ve dated one other girl was just like the new girl but only we started dating. I started to feel uncomfortable and uneasy around them both.
I want to end the relationship before it even truly begins. Any advice on how to do this maturely and in a nice way would be helpful.

  1. Trust your gut. Just tell her you’ve enjoyed getting to know her a little but you’re seeing someone else now so you have to stop. (a white lie) then ghost her.

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