hello everyone, i need advice for sex. im nearing the end of high school but one of my nerdy friends just lost their v card and me and my other female friend (paige) where talking together and we where both saying stuff about how we cant believe it and how its sorty weird but at the same time how we widh it was us. we talked about my friends situation and i have found out that we both sorta want the same thing. we are very very open to eachother and are always amking jokes about sex like any teenager would with their friend and we where in the mall and we walked past a maniquin and i said why r her tits so saggy and she was saying that hers are worst but thats not true. i jokingly told her send me a pic let me see and then she responded with somthing sorta serious and then i didnt know what to do. but i just kept playing the joke and she kept actually saying she was gonna. but the i actually asked her and she said she doesnt want to send pics cuz they can be shared. and i totally agreed with her and i left her alone after that but i think i might be able to pull her. our friend even thinks i like her too. what can i say next or what can i do

  1. You have to assure her that she can trust in you. The conversation started about losing your virginities, and it seems like she’s clearly not opposed to losing hers to you and vice versa. This is clearly something she’s sharing with you in confidence, and you’re someone she appears to value. Be genuine, be vulnerable (not weak, vulnerable) and make her feel confident in you, that you will honor her and make her feel pretty and that you’re not going to treat her like an object. You’re both at that age where everything is tentative and awkward but you just have to reach out and let her know that you think about her a lot and that you’d like to share that really special moment with her. Don’t make it seem like an achievement, but a tender event.

  2. Offer to take her out on a date just you two, see if you have any feelings there at all! Explore and understand if the connection is stronger than friends. After that the next move is yours.

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