I just remembered years ago that Haribos had a kid with black hair on the packet and now it’s a bear. Just curious if anyone knew?

Also I googled this and found nothing

  1. They had to get rid of him when his smack habit got out of hand. Last I heard he tried to stick up a cash converters with a piece of toast bitten into the shape of a gun and blackened with marmite.

  2. Honestly, they probably just decided having a child on the label might be seen as pushing sugar to kids. Probably trying to be a bit careful about appearances.

    The bear actually has a lot of heritage: I think the gold bear was the first sweets Haribo made when they were founded.

    Also, while we are doing Haribo facts, the name comes from HAns RIegel of BOnn.

  3. I assume he went on to a life of organised crime, as Haribo always sounded like some East End gangster to me. ‘Alright, lads? Name’s ‘Arry Bow, and I’m in charge round ‘ere.’

  4. Unfortunately the grown-ups loved him too much… It was not the happy world of Haribo after all…

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