What is something you wish your s/o did without you having to ask them?

  1. To actually put away ALL of the groceries if he’s gonna help. Sometimes he’ll leave some items out because he’s not 100% sure where they go & apparently he can’t ask me or go searching for it himself.

  2. clean up the damn crumbs after you make toast or a sandwhich. i will never understand to this day how the entire kitchen is covered in them from making two slices of toast.

  3. Buy me flowers.. I’ve hinted SO many times, at this point I don’t think it’s ever gonna happen

  4. Been with SO 18 years now. Both kids are now out of the house. I used to be annoyed by a lot of insignificant things. Toilet seat left up, tools left out after a minor repair job, laundry on the floor etc. Nothing bothers me now. Nothing small like that anyways. What I do wish he would do, without me asking, is contact his family more. But I have learned that you cannot make someone want to do anything. And I’m not interested in reminding, nagging, parenting a grown man. So he will continue to not be close with his family, unfortunately. It makes me sad, but he’s his own person. And I have better things to do than focus on someone else’s behaviour.

  5. Clean up after themselves. Put the fucking dishes IN the dishwasher. Fold clothes. Get to cöeaning the flat on the cleaning day without having to be asked.

  6. Talk to me 💀

    He never calls. Sometimes even replies to texts super late, like once in 3-4 days.

  7. Use his words a little more. It’s not that he’s being rude, but he’s one of those people who will use short direct sentences to cut to the point 100% of the time. It’s his demeanor that can be a little aggressive and I know he doesn’t mean to, but sweeten it up for me. I’m not one of your MARSOC buddies babe

  8. Any of the house-min, or think about dinner once in a while, not even make it, just tell me what the fuck you want to eat instead of ‘anything’

  9. While I appreciate him going to the grocery store with me and helping me carry groceries in the house, I wish he understood that the work isn’t over yet and now he needs to help me but the groceries away.

    …also putting dishes in the sink instead of right NEXT to the sink. Like why??????

  10. Plan nights out, or cook. I hate the endless loop of ‘what do you want for tea?’ and ‘what do you want to do tonight?’. Also, get off the sofa and walk the dog.

  11. Help me with my chores when they’re off work and I’m working FT. Just throwing laundry in the washer.. something..

  12. Say things out loud – I know him well enough that I can tell her loves and appreciates me from his actions. But I liked to hear it too.

  13. Take his shoes off in the house😂😂😂 it kills me but I love him. It’s ok

  14. Be the one to initiate making plans. Why do I always have to do it? Plus he’s always late (and not by 5 minutes… usually around 25-40). He says he just needs me to remind him but in my opinion if you really cared you wouldn’t need me to remind you, plus I shouldn’t have to. You don’t need a reminder to go to work or to feed your pets, you care to remember (those are different but it’s the same idea). I told him for the last time the other day, so now he wants to see me twice next week. He said we could go to the movies or out to eat, but he asked me what I wanted to do. I just couldn’t think of anything because I’ve asked him repeatedly to do these things and I wasted so much energy on all of it, I was just so tired in the moment. Idk why but I cried.

  15. I wish he’d remove all the food waste from the sink after doing the dishes, not just most of it. The sink strainer in our IKEA sink is a nightmare to keep clean as food always gets stuck. How did I become the only one responsible for removing it?

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