Every single one… I’m aware I have a flat ass. But every time I have sex with a guy they say I should do squats. And they last pretty long I can’t even lie lol. Idk if they last long cus I have no ass or what. But is it really a bad thing? A few guys have told me this, not just one. And the funny thing is none of them seem to mind it but still tel me the fact after having sex. I also used to be super fit and work out all the time. I lost all of that and am fairly “skinny” now.

  1. 2 reasons why they last long: sex doesn’t feel good for them OR you hit the lottery lol

    I think they just really are comfortable around you, cause if i told my gf to do squats she’d be pissed haha

  2. Why do you have sex with these jerks lol, have sex with sweet guys, they are everywhere.

  3. I’m guessing if multiple men are telling you this, you must have a trend in the types of men you date. And I think it’s a negative trend, you’re sleeping with men who don’t value you or you perceive to be better than you because they think they are better. Just the fact that you’re taking their statements seriously shows that you’re thinking they know more than you, but they don’t. They’re not better than you.

    Also squats don’t do shit for your butt. They target your quads, you need to do deadlifts or kickbacks for your glutes. So these guys are also dumb on top of being assholes.

  4. Try patting their stomachs after they say that and say “I can give you some good ab routines if you want to work on that”

  5. It’s funny, the girl I’m talking to also has this insecurity. She knows her ass is fairly flat. She said, “I guess I could do squats” and I mentally thought it wouldn’t kill her but I’d never say that out loud.

    My point is I’m sure you know you could do squats so even if they are offering advice to truly help you, it’s not anything ground breaking. Basically an insult in my opinion

  6. Wtf rude if someone said that to me I’d be like “maybe I should do squats but there’s no exercise to fix what you’re lacking. And bye”

  7. It might not be about the size of your butt. It might be that you lack stamina when you’re on top.

  8. If they are cut down there then they last longer cuz its less sensitive, or so I hear, as a flat ass myself I can tell you squats only do so much

  9. I’m sorry but they’re all assholes. That’s like telling something they need to lose weight, or eat a sandwich.

  10. They shouldn’t feel confident enough to say this to you, it’s hurtful. Stop sleeping with men who don’t respect you.

  11. Are you young? Once you get older (25+) guy don’t even expect you to ride long, they just take over lol

  12. Well if multiple men have said this to you, you have two problems. Both of them are U problems. Ur actively choosing shitty men then complaining about it. And you simply just have a flat ass. Nothing wrong with that tho.

  13. yes that’s an insult, but also good advice.

    anyone can have a nice round ass. your butt is just muscle. work the muscle and it will grow.

  14. Just fucking rude. These dudes suck. If you where to say the aren’t big enough I am sure they’d understand how you felt.

  15. I dated a guy and on our first sex he told me I was too loose. Im not that sexually active so I find that insulting. We only lasted for 5 days.

  16. Lol it means u got no butt and they want some cushion back there lol 😂 not an insult they’re just trying to tell you without being offensive

  17. Literally when I’ve told a woman I’m sleeping with this it’s 100% because they spend 20 seconds on top and give up.

    Like if I’m going to go down on you and make the effort to foreplay, get you off first, etc. at least let me enjoy being on bottom for a bit

  18. If more people tell you are drunk and you’re better going home, you probably are…

    They didn’t adviced you to grow taller or smth impossible. Training is good for mental and physical health

  19. A woman being more or less conventionally attratictive does not dictate how much longer I’ll last in bed. That part always depends on the sex itself, my mood, connection and whether I’m trying to last longer.

    Kind of shitty of guys to say this especially after sex. Why fuck them in the first place if it’s a big enough deal to say that?

    Btw I enjoy flat asses cause it allows me to spoon fuck and prone easier. Two of the absolute most pleasurable sexual positions ever.

  20. even if it is about stamina, they need to be a hell of a lot clearer because this isn’t the first time and the first guy. i’d try to find a guy that takes my feelings into consideration before sayjng something so inconsiderate of my insecurities before sex. and if he meant stamina, he could say “you know doing some cardio or a little exercise (like squats) could help out with us lasting a little longer in this position. just a suggestion for the future ;)” like it’s not hard to be nice and caring with your words??? especially during such an intimate moment???

  21. I used to have a “white girl flat butt” when I was slimmer. I also have very noticeable hip dips. But, not once has anyone said something like that to me. That would shatter me. I’m already very hard on myself about my appearance. I know what I look like and don’t need someone else telling me.

    If it is about stamina, I posted a comment here about a way to help with that while being on top. Maybe give it a try and see if that makes a difference.

  22. 🤣🤣🤣 not laughing at you. That’s the most guy thing I’ve ever heard 🤣🤣🤣

  23. It is the age of arse. There has never been a time in history where having a fat arse has been so celebrated.

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