I just started dating this guy and he’s an amazing guy but he also gives off people pleaser vibes (we know each other for 2 years and something happened in the past that made me think he was a people pleaser. The way he is with his family and friends also tells me that he probably is a people pleaser)

Are people pleaser so hard to date? Will his ways create problems in the future or is it something we can work past?

  1. When it comes to stuff like this, it all depends on the individual. There’s different degrees of people pleasers, from totally normal behaviour to absolute pushovers who’ll say or do anything to appease people. People on the extreme end of the spectrum who can’t say no to anyone can be challenging to date

  2. I’m biased, but I do find this personality can be pretty problematic in relationships because loyalty is a confusing, complex concept for them. It depends on how much he’ll do to keep others happy, but usually talking about very clear boundaries and expectations can help.

  3. I mean, it’s more a matter of does it bother YOU? And if it does, how much can YOU work around it with him?

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