I have been talking to this person for over a year now recently she has stopped messaging me as frequently. Usually I’m the one who will initiate a conversation (leaving a text message) and then she will message back once every 2 weeks and we will hang out and talk for a few hours and then she will go radio silent for another week or two.

  1. hmmmm it sounds like she’s playing hard to get. very hard to tell however. maybe if you state your age it will help? either way i say go balls to the way and message more. that way you can find out if she likes you. warning this is for alpha’s only and may result in tears

  2. Yes, you should stop. She doesn’t sound interested. I’ve been in your shoes and every single time it proved to be a massive waste of time and energy.

  3. Clues she’s not into you:

    1. She doesn’t initiate conversation. She responds to you to spare feelings but really doesn’t think about you unless you text her.

    2. You’ve been “talking” for a year?! You’re either dating or not. Talking for a month or so is okay. Any longer than that is not okay.

    3. You don’t hangout frequently. You’re her backup boredom buddy. She just calls on you when she’s out of all her other options.

    Go find something else to do or go meet other people. Text her one last time asking if she wants to date you. No response is a response and a slow response is also a response. Both being it’s a no.

  4. Move on. Evidently this isn’t going anywhere. Don’t waste your time on someone who’s literally drip feeding you attention. Find someone who actually cares and will show you the attention and affection you deserve.

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