Is it boredom? Is it just lack of self control? Please give me some insight thanks

  1. The reasons for men straying in relationships can be complex and varied. It could be a result of an emotional disconnect, a lack of excitement or an opportunity that presents itself. However, I know that it’s not just about understanding the reasons but also taking actions to overcome those reasons. I would advise that you take a deep look into yourself, understand your needs and wants, and communicate them effectively with your partner. This goes for both men and women. I would also advise you to be aware of your own weaknesses and to take the necessary steps to address them. Remember, a successful relationship is built on trust, mutual understanding, and effective communication. With the right mindset, tools, and approach, you can overcome any obstacle and create a fulfilling and satisfying relationship. Trust in yourself and your abilities to navigate any challenges that may arise in your relationship.

  2. The times I’ve strayed was just bc I’ve not only lost feelings for the girl but also I lost like any empathy for her as well due to some other shit in the relationship. Like something she did made it so that I didn’t care if her feelings got hurt, so I’ll stay w her but I’ll act like I got no obligations. Like I’ll just like break up with her in my own head, but not break up with her irl. Like irl we still a thing, but as far as I’m concerned mentally it’s like I’m already single.
    It’s kind of like when you put your 2 week notice at work, like you still there but like you’re not really working yfm? Mentally you already left and you’re kinda hanging out doing whatever you want

  3. To be clear, I don’t stray in relationships; everything is open from the get-go.

    But as for why I prefer it that way; my sexual desires are *vast*, I like lots of different types of people and types of sexual dynamics. One person can satisfy me emotionally, but one person cannot be all the things that are sexually attractive. That doesn’t mean they’re “boring” and someone else isn’t, it just means that no one person can be several different things at once.

    There’s never an excuse of going outside of a monogamous relationship, but there’s some good reasons not to get into one in the first place.

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