Hi, I don’t mean to be offensive with the question regarding the police, just that they seem to take no nonsense from the public( basing of off what I see on Reddit ).

Would highly appreciate any answers and again, I’m sorry if anything I’ve written is offensive.

  1. >I don’t mean to be offensive

    No worry, I don’t find curiosity offensive.

    >what to do if your car breaks down in the middle of the road?

    Pull over to the side and put on your hazard lights. Then call for help- whether that be AAA, or (in my case) your dad. If you have nobody to call, then 911 might be appropriate; however, that would not be my go-to for help.

    >Also, general tips on staying in the good books of the police

    Don’t get out of the car when pulled over is a big one. Also, if you do get pulled over, keep your right turn signal on until you find a safe place to stop in order to signal to the officer that you’re aware of their existence. Also, depending on where you come from, bribing police might be common. Absolutely do not try that here lol.

    Where are you from exactly? Might be able to give better advice if you tell us…

  2. There is a company called AAA, membership pays for itself after the first time you need to call them.

    Don’t break any laws.

  3. With the police:

    Pull over to the side of the road when it is safe, then turn off the engine and roll down the driver window

    Do not exit your car unless told to

    Do not try to bribe the officer (if you’re from a country where this is common)

  4. For a simple breakdown, you’d probably not call 911. The number is meant for emergencies rather than inconveniences. If you were broken down in the middle of nowhere and in danger of freezing to death, it would be appropriate, though.

    As far as getting along with the police, simply be polite and comply with their directions / requests. The great majority will be easy to deal with. Even if you run into one who’s an asshole, you’re still better off being polite and complying.

  5. – you may have roadside assistance included in your insurance, if not, there is always AAA (American Automobile Association). They are a membership service with different rates and services depending upon where you live. I don’t know if they still have it but AAA use to have book of traffic laws for each state that was available free to members.

    911 should only be used in emergency situations. If you need the police for a non urgent matter you would call your police department’s non emergency line.

    If you obey the laws you should not have any negative run ins with them. If you get pulled over, be respectful and follow their instructions. Like any other profession, you have your bad apples but remember the news stories you hear are not every day occurrences.

  6. In the middle of the road? Call 511 to report that you’re stuck in the middle of traffic, most states have specific roadside assistance to keep the road clear, they’ll at least move your car to the shoulder. You can also call 911 and ASK TO BE TRANSFERRED to a non-emergency line, for the purpose of reporting your location. Being stuck in the middle of traffic is a safety hazard to you and everyone else on the road. After that you need to either call a tow truck, or call your roadside assistance insurance. AAA is the most common. You pay a monthly membership fee and they’ll help you out whenever, wherever.

    For cops, just be aware of them when they’re around and try not to get their attention. Be respectful, don’t break the law, and don’t give them an excuse. There are 330 million people in this country and the police interact with them all day every day. The gross number of incidents this produces is going to look high, but as a percentage, the number of police – citizen interactions that go bad is miniscule. That said, cops are people, and I don’t trust them anymore than I trust any other stranger, so if they’re hanging around somewhere, I’d rather not be.

    Welcome to your cousin btw

  7. If you break down, call your car insurance provider. Don’t break the law, and you will have a very low likelihood of dealing with police. If you are pulled over while driving, stay in the car. Never try to bribe or offer favors to police.

  8. The mere number of police vs the number of the non police population, it’s rare you’ll have any contact. I haven’t interacted with a law enforcement officer in 3 years and that’s when he busted for me speeding.

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