i am a 21 year old guy and i need help. i am not very attractive, i am 5’7, my face is asymmetrical. i also look young for my age. most people think i am 16-17. i work out and have a somewhat nice body. i have no idea how to find a gf. i can’t even talk to girls because i believe i’m too ugly too talk to them and i don’t want to waste their time or offend them. i don’t have any friends either so i don’t have any social circle. i work at a mall and i sometimes have girls who are interested in me but most of them are in high school. i am friendly with all of my co-workers but i cannot become friends with them because they are all indian exchange students and they don’t want to hangout with someone who doesn’t speak their language. i try to become friends with other people who work in the mall but most of them don’t want to because either i look too young or im too ugly and they don’t want to be friends with someone who is as ugly as i am. i don’t know what to do. im so tired of being lonely. everyday i see people out with their friends or their girlfriend and it hurts my heart so much because i can’t experience that. i don’t know what to do

  1. >i can’t even talk to girls because i believe i’m too ugly too talk to them and i don’t want to waste their time or offend them

    sounds like some serious self-esteem issues are what need fixing more than not having a girlfriend

    >i don’t have any friends either so i don’t have any social circle

    similarly, that’s a more pressing issue that needs to take greater priority

    >they don’t want to be friends with someone who is as ugly as i am

    I highly doubt that’s what’s actually happening

    >everyday i see people out with their friends or their girlfriend and it hurts my heart so much because i can’t experience that

    for one, make some friends and broaden your social circles. but if seeing other people in relationships causes you profound sadness, that’s something within you that needs fixing, not simply throwing a relationship at

  2. You need some confidence, girls are humans to work on being able to improve your conversations and get some style. You’re so young bro to need a girlfriend, don’t worry about it. City Boys we up.

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