I met a girl on tinder, she on the second date said she asked if I wanted to sleep there at her house on the sofa but when I got to her house she said it was better to sleep in her room and we had sex after sex we slept together until very late then we went have breakfast outside and we went for a walk we stayed together almost all day. After 3 hours she sends me a message if I wanted to go to her house again and we had sex again and we had another night all together and we had breakfast and went for a walk again. She’s been texting me very often. what you think?

  1. I think if you enjoy her company, and she enjoys yours, if there is consent on both sides, and if you’re both adults… then that is enough. Don’t complicate it. Enjoy.

  2. Frankly, a day will come when she wants to talk. Then, it will be decision time. Till then, enjoy the sex and the company.

  3. maybe she changed her mind, and this is her way of showing you that. i think eventually you’ll have to ask her if you are both exclusive

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