There is this girl i’ve been seeing who goes to my University and we have been talking for a few weeks. Once we got back to uni after the christmas holiday, we went on a casual date which was very good. We also went clubbing and almost slept together afterwards. Suddenly though, she has let the chats run a little dry on snap and has now aired my last 2 snaps despite always being active on the app.
Idk how I feel because she said she liked me and I obviously like her back but now I feel like she is cutting me off. Should I just not bother with her or shall I just be patient??

tl;dr – This girl supposedly likes me but has been ignoring me on snapchat. What do I do?

  1. Ask her out on date. If she doesn’t reply, take that as your last response she isn’t in to you

  2. If she wants to she would make the time to talk to you. Just let her be and see if she contacts you first don’t cahse her

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