I wouldn’t, I’d happily push all of the women and the kids out of the way. If you’re going to die, might as well give it a chance.

What about you?

  1. I’d grab onto the back of the lifeboat ( that people are in) and like… Kick my legs in the water behind. When I get tried someone can swap with me.

  2. Yes then I’d have probably gone to the bar and consumed a lot of free alcohol then danced a jig to the 3 musicians who played till the end, off my tits.

  3. Fuck no.

    Although one of my favourite things reading about the Titanic is the guy that saw the boat was sinking, went and DEMOLISHED several bottles of whiskey, and it kept his blood warm so he didn’t freeze to death in the water and got rescued. That’s either the best accident or expert level tactical planning.

  4. You’d likely be locked behind a metal gate in steerage class. The rats would get out before you.

  5. No fucking chance. I’d boot a toddler over the side if he cut in line and took my lifeboat spot.

  6. Everyone’s equal until a boat sinks, a war comes along, or the water cooler needs a new 19 litre bottle putting on it.

    Tongue in cheek by the way…


  7. I’d give it up for my girlfriend, but then she’d have to live with the consequences of that which might not be fair on her.

  8. Nope. To me (obviously) my life is more important than anyone on this planet. Like, it’s my life.. I like living. I’d fight till the bridge officer shoots me like in the movie!

  9. As a healthy and strong bloke I’d probably have helped extensively with making sure the lifeboats were well. I work in the events industry, festivals and clubs mainly with big name DJs. I can get quite Malcolm Tucker when I need to so I’d have done the same.

    Then I’d have hoped that there was a spare space and no more women or children around to take it, and just hopped in. I’d have stood if need be.

    Failing that I’d have spent a good amount of time looking for something that would float. There must have been shit loads of stuff that would support one person. Boat is clearly going down anyway, so rip shit out of the walls – a small water tank or something, a fridge (did they have fridges then?), literally anything that would float. The bow went in quite steadily at first, so walking down the front was like a zero-entry pool, pop the floaty thing on, climb aboard, use a piece of wood as a makeshift oar, push off and get away from the ship before she went down. You had a good hour to sort this.

    As you can see, I’ve thought about this quite a bit since seeing the film as a kid/teenager and wondering why more people didn’t do that.

  10. I suppose it depends. I’d likely be with my husband going on holiday. If he wasn’t able to get on the lifeboat, I’d stay with him. Wouldn’t want him being on his own at the end.

  11. Nah fuck it.

    Been passively suicidal for 20 years, that’d be all I needed as a sign to give up.

    Me and my husband would probably be that old couple hugging on the bed.

  12. There must be loads of stuff that would float. Find something else if your a man and able bodied.

  13. I’m a bloke so I’d likely have no choice but to stay and accept my fate. Would have to go down with the ship, my last thoughts being that I wished I’d travelled with Cunard instead.

    There was that one bloke, mind, who got so pissed the alcohol kept him warm in the cold water and meant he ended up surviving. Maybe that could be a good tactic instead.

  14. I would have given up my lifeboat. If I were still on the surface, I would at least try however to find the iceberg to sit on until help arrived.

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