I’m 18F and recently my ex (18F) broke up with me after a 3 year relationship. I’ve only ever been with her (and she with me) so now I want to experience sex with other people (who know what they’re doing). Although I always thought I was just into women, I have developed a newfound curiosity/interest in being fucked by a big cock. Basically I want to have casual sex with both men and women and figure out what I like while having fun.

The issue is I am quite insecure when it comes to intimacy. I have Tourette syndrome and am concerned my tics would be a big turn off (snorting, whistling, retching, etc). Additionally I am 5’5 and just under 100kg, so I’m pretty chubby, and I also have skin-picking disorder which has left me with scars and wounds all over my body, especially on my boobs (G cups btw).

I am working on self acceptance, however I am concerned these issues will be an obstacle in my quest to find people who want to fuck me. I do have a nice body shape and face in my opinion, and my style is cute. So I wanted to get some opinions – could you imagine enjoying sex with me?

  1. I don’t think the things you listed would be a problem tbh. Some people are super picky when it comes to partners looks, but not everyone cares about looks, and some people like chubby girls, especially with Gcups. I honestly don’t see how tourette’s would be a turn off. I would think it’d be mostly just kinda funny and otherwise cute. It’s super hot when, imo, during sex a girl is so overwhelmed by the sex that they can’t control themselves.

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