I realized that today after talking to my friend about it. I have been sharing more of my life and showing my humor on my social media the past couple of weeks and some people love it and some have ridiculed me and laughed at me. And when the rejection is from someone you used to see on a somewhat “higher” social level or wanted to be liked by, then yeah, maybe reading the comment at first is somewhat uncomfortable, but then you realize nothing has changed, the world didn’t fall out from under your feet, you are still loved by those you love, you are who you are and their opinion didn’t change anything but your view of them. All these years that I have been scared of rejection or shame from people, and hyped it up to this big horrible thing that would destroy my life and my confidence in a single moment, was literally over in a moment and *nothing happened*.

You cant control what happens to you, how the world views you or the circumstances you find yourself in, but you can control your reaction to it. I find myself being even more confident and feeling free to be me unapologetically after getting laughed at, it just doesn’t worry me anymore. Can’t be bothered, and it feels so good!

  1. You realize there’s another person here right?

    I know Redditors believe they’re the only person in existence but guess what, you’re not.

    Being rejected is not a big deal. For you.

    But the person who was forced to reject you did not ask for a chance to reject you. They didn’t go out into the world and say “Golly gee I hope someone I’m not attracted toasks me out today”.

    Is it a big deal to reject someone? No not really. But the fact that you don’t even mention the other person and their comfort **at all** in your 300 word post is telling.

  2. See I’m the opposite I can’t accept that I can’t control how others feel about me. Not in an egotistical way. I just think I’m a nice person so why should I change my own expectations you see? What reasons have I given people to dislike me? None. Therefore they are a bad person. I can’t just sit back and let it go over my head.

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