Guys, I’m a Brazilian and soon I’m going to move to the USA, (Illinois) and I would like to know if you could help me by telling me some things (like how immigrants are treated, if the accent interferes with something, etc)

  1. Regardless of the country someone immigrates to, imo it’s important to learn the laws and culture of that country

  2. Depends on how you look, honestly. I’m Mexican but I’m white passing and only had problems when people heard me speaking Spanish and I do have a bit of an accent but it only happened to me a couple of times, plus I was in Florida. You speak English so you’ll do fine, try to learn about the local people and your community, they’re usually pretty nice people.

  3. Just make sure to learn the local laws and culture of the area. Despite what most hatemongers say, the smaller and more rural areas are far more patient and polite to immigrants than those from the big city ever have been. Also accept that if your accent is thick enough others may have problems understanding you (also get used to explaining that you don’t speak Spanish, you speak Portuguese). So long as you’re willing to work and learn, you’ll do fine.

  4. Some people might be curious about your accent, but I doubt you’ll run into much hostility at all.

  5. We’re pretty nice to immigrants for the most part in my opinion

    If you feel like you’re being untreated fairly than feel free to speak up

    America tries to live by an equal and fair standard so don’t let anyone make you feel little

    My biggest advice is just don’t let yourself be used or taken advantage of

  6. Police hate foreigners. Just comply so you don’t get beat on or shot. They hate people with any skin tone other than white, but overall they hate the citizens they are sworn to serve, so be careful out there. The police in this country are no joke. When a cop pretends to be your friend they are looking for something to fuck you over with. Police are not friends, they protect and serve themselves only. They are armed to the teeth and have short tempers and small brains. They are just a gang with a badge. I’m from Chicago, CPD don’t fuck around. To my understanding Brazils police are wild too.

    And my condolences (lol), Illinois sucks. It’s cold, anywhere an hour away from the northern burbs is literally just cornfields and yankee rednecks. Honestly it is better than a lot of other states though but it still sucks. Mostly the people in general are chill. Midwesterners tend to keep to themselves. And don’t let the propaganda about the dangers of Chicago get to you. It’s mostly just fear mongering. Yes it is dangerous but keep your head on a swivel and don’t look like a tourist and you will be fine. I wouldn’t worry about being a transplant in the burbs, there are lots of people from all over the world here. To my knowledge there are not many people who speak Portuguese. Lots of Spanish, Hindi, Nigerian dialects, Polish, Russian, Chinese speakers. This country is quite the melting pot. As much as I bitch about Illinois, I really wouldn’t go anywhere else.

    Welcome to the US. And good luck with your endeavors.

  7. The cold might feel awesome if you haven’t experienced it before but don’t over indulge or you’ll get horribly sick and have to deal with the US healthcare system. Too many Brazilian acquaintances in college got sick with pneumonia by leaving windows open in winter because they liked the cold and had ridiculous healthcare bills after they had to be hospitalized.

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