Hi everyone,

English isn’t my native language, sorry in advance!

Yesterday I had sex with a girl who is from Thailand. Later I found out she was a prostitute/sexworker.

I am scared/frightened about HIV. The sex was with condom (the whole session, and I saw no tears at the end) and she also didn’t gave me a blowjob (I am really careful about that).

But she did ‘kiss/suck’ me on my cheeks, ears, neck and chest (not sure if she also kissed my lips anymore). I don’t have seen any open wounds or something on myself. The thing is, I had 1 or 2 years ago a little wound on the chest. It took some time to recover, but there is still a ”small skin protruding” (I don’t know if ”small skin protruding” is the right word, but it is like a small skin that still hangs outside the ”healed wound” (I guess it is healed). I will soon add pictures to this post. So I am scared that when she kissed/sucked my chest, maybe the salivia did something! Or maybe I am just worrying for nothing?

She does take the pill, so she is very cautios about pregnancy at least.

Any advice/help please? I am really scared!!

See my comment below please!

  1. Do you have a reason to suspect she has HIV or is that an assumption based on her job? You likely have nothing to worry about

  2. It’s not easy to catch HIV, you absolutely cannot catch it from her sucking on your skin–for that to even theoretically work there would have to be open, bleeding wounds in both her mouth and on your skin (and she would obviously have to actually have HIV, and it would also have to be not very well controlled because people with very well controlled HIV typically don’t have enough virus in their bodies to actually give it to anyone else, there are couples who have been having normal sex for decades without the other partner getting HIV).


    If you are very worried and it was really recent, there are emergency treatments available to take after risky activities that will significantly reduce your chance of contracting HIV–it’s called post-exposure prophylaxis or PEP. Google for a clinic near you and see if you can talk to a doctor. I bet they’d tell you that it’s not even worth taking the PEP.

  3. 1. Do some research on how you actually contract HIV, because it’s not that easy to get infected.
    2. If your concerned, get tested, better know for sure

  4. I believe you’re at a very low risk. Here is a good source of information to calm your fears. In the link below, you can click on the link for how HIV is NOT transmitted and as well as how it IS transmitted.

    The majority of cases of HIV transmission from unprotected anal sex between men and sharing needles.

    [CDC – HIV Transmission ](https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/basics/transmission.html)

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