I don’t know what I’m doing wrong but somehow I’m always the least favorite friend. I get frequently ignored and left on read. My friends made a group chat without me in it and they shamelessly talk about it in front of me. They hangout without inviting me. There is plenty more of examples… I feel helpless. I’m really trying but it seems my social skills have become blunt since I isolated myself and pushed everyone away for 4 years. I just recently started making friends. It seems I forgot how incredibly hard it is.

  1. It can be difficult and hurtful to feel ignored or excluded by friends. It’s important for you to communicate your feelings to them and express how their behavior is impacting you. Have an open and honest conversation with them about how you are feeling. Additionally, it may be helpful for you to seek out new social connections and activities where you can build new relationships and find a sense of belonging. Remember to be kind and patient with yourself during this process, building new friendships takes time and effort.

  2. Okay what if they were talking about the other group chat in front of you, as usual, and you said, “Hey, I’d love to be part of that. How about adding me to the group chat?”

    What would they say to that?

  3. I would just avoid those people. Friendships are a two way street. If you don’t care about me, why should I care about you?

  4. If somebody avoids then leave them, your self respect is more important than anything. And don’t confuse network with friends. Network can be unlimited and friends are few.
    At any point of time you can make friends. Don’t worry

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