I’ve been reflecting on my last almost-relationship which was ended because he wasn’t satisfied with our chemistry.

I didn’t ask him what exactly about our dynamic didn’t live up to his past experiences but I can’t help but wonder what it was. It’s not even something I think I fully realized until he mentioned it, but I suppose the sex did feel somewhat awkward. But that’s normal for me the first few times with someone new. I wanted to keep trying because we were really compatible in other ways. We only slept together five times and it was improving each time, except for the last.

I’ve had amazing chemistry with one, maybe two other guys in my life but the more people I sleep with I’m starting to think a connection like that is the exception and not the rule.

He told me how attracted he was to me so I know it’s not as simple as sexual attraction. After this experience I feel like I have a poor understanding of chemistry or I’m bad at reading it.

What defines chemistry for you? Is it fixed or can it improve with emotional intimacy? After how many tries do you think sex is as good as it’s gonna get? Do you think people are too quick to give up or would you give up sooner?

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