Most countries have strict laws on what is legal, illegal, and straight banned. Whereas there’s becoming a greater decide between State and Federal laws. Even within states the laws vary where some are completely open, some turn a blind eye, and some are still severely criminalizing it.

  1. We need to just have federal decriminalization of weed and leave it up to the states. The current system is just ridiculous.

  2. The current system isn’t grey. It’s illegal for federal purposes, but state and local authorities won’t bring charges

  3. It’s the same with alcohol. Different laws on who and where it’s available for sale. Even county and municipalities can vary.

  4. Its dumb and ruins peoples lives. My ideal state of things would be to legalize marijuana federally, and decriminalize the use of all other drugs

  5. It’s in keeping with American tradition. “If it’s kind of broken but we can carry on, don’t fix it.” The same thing happened with Social Security numbers.

  6. Legalise everything, the government should have no say over what any individual does with their body.

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