I don’t know what to make of it. We had 4 dates, which went great, she was even making plans for out next date while on the date. Then she told me she got super busy and couldn’t meet, she started taking days to respond to texts… now it’s been already 3 months since we last met.

So I stopped reaching out and told her to just tell me once she’s free to meet. I only sent a few «  how are you doing » type of texts every few weeks…
Fast forward today,I asked how she is doing, and she just told me next week she might be free, and we could go take a coffee together.

Our first 4 dates were always in the evening, and we always had drinks. She had also told me she is not a big fan of coffee places (though she drink coffee at home).
So I am not sure what to think of it.

Should I ask her if she wouldnt prefer an evening date ? Or should I just be glad she is reaching out, and accept to take a coffee…

  1. Personally, I’d counter with her coming over.

    >So I stopped reaching out and told her to just tell me once she’s free to meet.

    You should have done this the first time she dodged hanging out with you. Women will find/make time for you if they’re interested. If not, they’ll find/make excuses.

    Overall, it seems like she views you as a guy who will always be there. Counter coffee with whatever you want to do, and if she doesn’t want to do that, write “no worries” and leave it at that.

  2. Damn that’s a long time though. Idk I wouldn’t get your hopes up brother still look for other women who actually want to see you.

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