Me(nb) and C(f) have started to text and hangout constantly for about 2-3 months now.

We end up having deep talks about personal believes, political issues and personal problems. I feel like I really know her, even tho I haven’t known her for long.
Recently I noticed she’s constantly on my mind, I struggle not to think about her and I dream about that one time we hugged.

But it’s not stressing me that I’m distracted, I feel happy thinking about her all the time.
She has told me a lot of very meaningful compliments, checks up on me and told me to dream of her and sometimes I see her looking at her phone when she texts me and smiling heavily.

Meanwhile I do the same/similar things.
She was the first person I texted on nye and I was the first she texted.
We text eachother good night<3.

I don’t know what these feelings are. I thought I was aromantic, hence I broke up with my ex, but now I think I might be in love.
She on the other hand has told me she doesn’t know her sexuality, she thinks she might be straight tho.

Well, I gave her a compliment today (on a note bcs it’s an inside joke) because she looked very pretty and I wanted her to know. She texted me “thanks for the nice message” and followed with “dumb question, but do u mean this platonically?”.
In this moment I was bummed because I hadn’t thought about it. I didn’t know how I meant it and what I wanted her to think on how I meant it.

I replied with sth like “just pointing out an observation” hoping it could pass as whatever she wanted to hear.

Now I don’t know if I friend zoned her or if I made her think I want something from her (all I want is to have her in my life). I feel like she has been texting less& I’m not sure what to do now.

1 comment
  1. Maybe you should ask her out on a date. All this nonsense you’re talking about is going nowhere. If you don’t get the cojones to go out on a date, what’s the point in flirting? If you don’t put in the effort, you won’t get anywhere.

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