And what prevented you from being truthful?

  1. Never lied about reasons for breaking up, usually i always let the person know the things that were a big NO to me at the moment they happened, so yeah whenever i went through a breakup there wasn’t much to explain.

  2. Going though a divorce (1year)and court was about to crush me with legal fees, child support, alimony, and take everything I own. (which they did) I knew it was going to send me into a depression spiral and it woild take months of 16 hour work days to get out of. Also court was going to supeona my GF and she was going to lose her job over it and throw me in jail if I didnt comply with providing the court information on her. My ex started a online slander campiagn and was trying to drag my current gf into it. It was and is still nasty.

    So I yold her that I need to get her out of the blast radius. She wasn’t happy about it and turn spiteful. Main reason was the depression though didnt want her to see me like that.

  3. I lied when I broke up with a girl and told her there was someone else. I tried breaking up with her by telling her the truth, which that she was a great girl but I just didn’t feel a strong connection and I didn’t think it was right to waste her time and use her for sex. She just wouldn’t accept that and kept asking if there was someone else until she wore me down and I said yes.

  4. Said that I was just too busy with work and school and extracurriculars and applying to colleges to be in a relationship.

    I was gay and not ready to come out yet, but it was clear our relationship was headed to a point where she’d want to get more physical than just kissing, so I cut things off before we reached that stage.

  5. I never lied. I was even brutally honest once because the woman just kept trying to negotiate what at that point was not negotiable.

  6. Never bothered lying. If you can’t tell someone up front exactly what it is you’re doing and why, you’re not mature enough to be in a meaningful relationship.

  7. I’m about to break up with a girl and a long ass list of reasons and red flags. But I will prob stay with a short ‘I’m looking for something different’. But if she turns on me she will get the truth.

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