I am in the 3 year in my batchelor degree, and at the time of beginning of my college I liked a girl, at that time I was a nerd don’t know how to talk to people haven’t gone to any social gathering and I have friends but we always disscus about study nothing else. So I met this girl and start liking her. She didn’t like me, we never talked, we just text each other. She never texted me except for the assignment stuff. We use to talk during exam as there was no one free at that time for her. And yeh I missed the important part many boys are after her during the first year. She made a boyfriend she fell in love with him. I was sad 😢 like she doesn’t look at me as she look at him. Then corona came and we all went to our home I didn’t texted her for like 6 month. Then I send her a message that I was mad for her she just said okay. after corona we went to college for like month she was with me in the class but we didn’t talked ofcourse I fear talking to her. Once I asked her for movie in text she didn’t replied but I saw her making fun of me that he asked me for a movie. Now vacation are going on. She had a break up a month back. I realised it just by seeing her story. I asked her what happened she said thank for concern you are the only one who asked. She told me that you are the only one to whom she is talking to from college. But I think really loved that guy and she is feeling bad going to what anyone can call break up hard time. I gave her a bit of comfort help her during quizzes she said thank got excited and told me that his partner cheated I am the only one to whom she told because I was the only one who asked what happened. I just want an advice that I started developing strong feelings for her and thinking about her all day, I have never been into a relationship and neither I made a friend. I didn’t weather she likes me. It will happen. Will she love me or she will leave me when she will come out of this breakup thing and I will become the donkey 🐴. If she liked me then I was not his first choice she will leave me if she got anyone good.

1 comment
  1. >`Shark’s opinion :`
    >>`Don’t deceive yourself. `
    >>>`If she really loved you, she would show it a little.`
    >>>>`Reduce your contact with her and keep busy to forget her. `
    >>>>>`There are always better cases dude.`

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