What is something you wish your S/O knew without you having to tell them?

  1. That the moment I walk in the door from work is not the time to play 20 questions or start telling me about chores and errands that need to be done.

    Gimme 30 minutes to decompress, change out of my suit, have a glass of water etc.

  2. That I have feelings too. I’m a human being. I get sick, I am weak sometimes. I make mistakes.

    I just want to be allowed to be a human being.

  3. Crazy thing happened a couple of months ago. I’ve been with my wife for 22 years. I was on the way home from work and stopped off at the grocery store because I felt like she would need a specific something for dinner. No reason why. I just felt like she did. I get home and she meets me at the door and she laughs and says, “I was going to call you and tell you to pick X up, but then I just knew you would do it anyway without me calling you.” This is really freaky stuff. And this is not the first time something like that has happened.

  4. I wish she knew how much it hurt my feelings when she wouldn’t let me hold her hand after work: every time I picked her up.

    I just like having someone to hold after having a rough day.

  5. That “playfully” telling me ,”No” when I try to initiate sex, then grabbing my flaccid penis and saying “aww, but I wanted some” is incredibly confusing

  6. That the pet died.

    Between always keeping busy walking around doing things, but also always checking on things as I walk by, I am generally the one to find that a pet has passed away. It’s terrible knowing that I have to break that news and has happened multiple times.

  7. Get to the point of your goddamn stories. If the thing you actually want to tell me is “I saw that they’re renovating the gazebo in the park”, I don’t need you to tell me all the details about how you decided to stop 26 places before your walk in the park, how many people were at the fucking park, the fact you ran into your friend Cathy and then a 5 minute side story about how Cathy’s life is going. Just tell me about the fucking gazebo.

    Of course I never tell her to hurry it up because I’m glad she wants to share her day with me and it makes her happy, but Jesus Christ. “I picked up some chicken for dinner” turns into a 15 minute story.

  8. Just reach down and play with the dangling jewels once in a while during sex. I mean, they’re there for a reason!

  9. That sometimes, I just need some time by myself. It’s not that I don’t want to be around her. I just don’t want to be around ANYONE for a bit. Gotta let myself truly relax.

  10. Happened this morning.

    My wife has a tendency to eat food, scroll on her phone, and try to have a conversation with me.

    #1. Etiquette. Hello.

    #2. How about allowing me to enjoy my breakfast.

  11. Sometimes I’m just tired. I’m not thinking about anything, I don’t need to talk about anything. I’m just exhausted.

  12. That I wish I didn’t exist. Not because of her or anything about our relationship. She’s wonderful, smart, and an amazing person but I’m just done with everything around me.

  13. That I’m happy.

    She knows when I’m sad or worried. She has been there for me when I was. Countless times. And I know she worries. I just would like her to see when I’m happy. Because it would mean she doesn’t worry too much.

  14. How often I’ve thought about killing myself.

    For the record, I’m good. Taking care of myself now, but we’ve been together 8 years. that’s not really something easy to bring up, just kinda wish I could just come out and say it.

  15. That if you dont tell me the truth of the situation im gonna start making assumptions based on what i know, and then im gonna act off those assumptions

  16. That I truly just want to be friends with my ex-girlfriend and have absolutely no romantic or sexual feelings for her. She was just a really awesome friend and we are extremely alike, which is why it didn’t work out romantically. I know myself way too much to want to be with someone like me, lol.

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