How do you feel about societal pressure to be in a relationship and have children?

  1. Worthless. People should be in relationships or have kids because that’s what they want in life, not because that’s what’s expected for them.

  2. I ignore it unless it involves overbearing jerks with criminal leanings trying anything illegal or defamatory.

    I’m happily single, not family orientated, won’t be going down the marriage route or dating until covid is over

  3. I think it’s stupid. I will never understand why some people think others should have children, even if they don’t want them. They obviously have no respect for the adults wishes, but even then, if someone doesn’t want to be a parent, why the fuck would you wanna inflict that on some innocent kid?

  4. I’ve never felt pressured, even though all of my girlfriends are married with kids. I love men, but I love being single more.

  5. I think it’s incredibly stupid. I either laugh at it or ignore it and do what I want and what works for me. I will always encourage others to follow the path they actually want, not what they are told to want.

  6. The societal pressure will never be as bad as the pressure from my mother. Told her about how great my new job is yesterday, and she responded “Career women can’t have it all, once they have kids. I can’t wait for grandkids”

  7. I don’t feel pressured by my family or social group, really. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Single women in the U.S. aren’t as stigmatized as they once were.

  8. Kind of sad and wish things would have gone better honestly. I’m not single because I didn’t try with anyone. I tried with everything in me and I guess that just wasn’t enough for anyone…

    It hurts but I play it off in public that I chose to be this way lol

  9. Unpopular opinion, but personally, I feel like I put WAY more pressure on myself to accomplish certain things relationship wise then “society” ever did. You just have to live life as best you can and become comfortable with the idea that your choices might not always be the popular one.

  10. I think it’s a good thing. I know posting this on reddit will bring the downvotes. My body is ready

  11. When I got married I thought that was my job. So I gave my ex a kid. When he left me, I was terrified of being a single mother.

    8 years later, I’m doing just fine as a single mother. Kid goes to his dad’s half the time so I get time to myself and to get things done. He’s a really good kid, so I think I got off easy. However, I did not enjoy being pregnant because I was in a lot of pain and my ex was already check out of the relationship.

    I do not want to do that again. I do. It want to have another child with another man who could then leave me and have two kids with two different men with two different schedule, etc. I do not want to raise another small child and give up the free time I have. I do not want to go to even more sports events, practices, bday parties, school meetings, etc. I feel that I’m barely making it with this kid, even when I know I’m doing great. I’m still exhausted and mentally worn out.

    So I had a hysterectomy a couple years ago. Wish I’d done it long ago. I don’t want my kid to grow up feeling that he’s obligated to have children. It’s not for everyone. I had this kid when I thought I had a loving partner to help. I won’t be stuck in this situation again.

  12. Fine. I do wish I was in a relationship though, I have terrible luck with that area but everyone knows I don’t want kids so people don’t bring up it with me.

  13. Never do something you don’t want to do.

    I never wanted children, therefore I don’t have them. I am married and have been with my (also childfree) husband for 15 years now.

    Marriage and children are dealbreakers. Make sure you’re on the same page when you start dating so you don’t waste each other’s time and get feelings invested.

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