Hello, ill tell you little story about how stupid I am.

So i (26M) have girlfriend (22F)which i love so much. We are dating for 1 and half year. She is kind, good, she is beautiful, she is all i wanted whole life. We meet in church and we are living purity. Im kinda guy who has sex before before her and i didn’t know anything about that kind of dating but i lerned with her and accept it. It was all good till last month or two, when i had enormous desire for sex. Anyway that’s not big deal i beat meat quite often so i fight that desire with that. So my sex life with her isn’t great, but i don’t mind it. We are connected on another level. Anyway i have good female friend (24F), from high school, we are neighbors and we know each other for past 10 years, i kinda liked her from day one and maybe sometimes she liked me. But we could never be together because we were in relationships. When she had bf i was free, when i had gf she was free…
Long story short, i always wanted her but life doesn’t always give you what you want and new love staring and ending… Now im with this best girlfriend ever and finally i have great job and everything set to perfect place, and i wanted to propose my gf. Until last weekend when i was out with my friends, and my best friend came with us. We was drunk and i confessed her all filings for her through the years and i told her that i love her. She asked why i didn’t tell that to her earlier but i don’t know answer… We hugged each other and one thing lead to another and we kissed. We both knew that was wrong because we both have partners. And now i don’t know what to do, i feel extremely guilty because i have so nice and good girlfriend but i have feelings for my friend to. I don’t wanna brake up with my girlfriend, and i don’t want to stop hang out with my friend. We will talk in few days when i get home. Im asking for help guys and girls, did you had similar experience?
I know how stupid I am and i feel guilt in my heart so mutch, im in constant fear i will lose one of them…
I don’t want to confess to my gf that cheating because i want future with her, still from that kiss i kinda imagining future with my best friend, but that’s unlikely to happen. I know im stupid and all, help me please

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