What are some little things that make you feel rich?

  1. Not necessarily “little”, but if I am getting a massage more than once or twice a year, I’m feeling well off. But, my love language is physical touch, so that plays a big role in what makes me feel “rich”. If you mean physical things..I have some heated gloves and heated blankets that make my life so much better. I’m not sure they make me feel “rich”, but I feel very spoiled / living in luxury having them. I hope I was able to answer your question the way you hope it would be answered!

  2. Right now with the economy and the price of housing, food and gas/heat. Having a comfortable roof over my head, food on the table and a warm home makes me feel rich.

  3. Having a nice/effective skincare routine. Wearing multiple pieces of jewelry. Comfortable high heels.

  4. When I was a kid, all my clothes were hand-me-downs. I didn’t have good winter clothes or boots to keep me warm and my gloves were always those cheap, stretchy, one size fits all crap that didn’t really keep you warm. So in winter my siblings and I layered up in anything we had to go play in the snow, but we were still frozen through within 10-15 minutes and would come in. So I grew up not really enjoying winter.

    I’m a single mother working 2 jobs (1 full time, 1 part time). It’s just me and kiddo. I want him to grow up going outside in winter and not hating the cold half of the year. So I have a decent job and I’ve always bought him really good winter gear: thick gloves, boots, scarves, hats, coats, etc that actually work well and keep him really warm. I’ve bought him toboggans that are slightly better than the cheapest ones that will break and taken him to play on them. I’ve taken him hiking on our favorite trails in the snow with good snow boots. I’ve built snow walls and snowmen and had snow ball fights with him, all bundled up so he doesn’t get cold and doesn’t want to come in. I buy myself good winter gear, too, just so I can stay out and play with him.

    I feel so rich that I can afford these things and give my kid a wonderful upbringing. My parents couldn’t afford this stuff. They were great parents. But this little thing is important to me.

  5. Eating good food when I’m out. I told myself I’ll stop eating fast food when I’m out so all those fast food money have gone to a once a month tasting menu experience.

    I also love going to operas and orchestra shows, I’d get the cheapest tickets and dress up nicely.

    Wearing pressed clean clothes, clean shoes, having clean nails are also one way that makes me feel refined.

    Having fresh sheets, having a bath before going to bed, driving a clean car.

  6. Free time, peace of mind, eating a good meal, sleeping in a comfortable bed, and safety.

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