To be honest, I’m just not used to constantly interacting with someone. Whether that be in-person or though a medium such as Snapchat. Hell, it’s only been recently that I’ve finally had people to talk to outside of school, albeit on Snapchat. I don’t wait to snap back because I want to ignore them or anything, I just don’t want to be trapped in a position where I don’t know what to say. I feel like that’s pretty much my #1 reason why I don’t have many relationships with people, I just simply don’t know what to say. I’m trying to get over it, but I haven’t been able to get over that hump yet.


This was sort of a short rant, so thank you for reading my incoherent ramblings.

  1. what I did to help was look in the mirror and record myself replying to the message. This helps for two reasons:
    – one it boosts you innter melatonin which is beneficial for social interactions, as it gets activated by the feeling of hearing your voice
    – two it helps relinquish the dopamine in your brain by stimulating your brain’s mental process of what would be an interaction

  2. While I can’t relate to the Snapchat thing specifically, I have avoided irl interactions with people for the same reason. The fear of being awkwardly left with nothing to say has definitely held me back for many years. Honestly, the only thing that has helped is dragging myself into doing these positions and forcing words out of my mouth even if my brain is drawing blanks. It’s a pretty do-or-don’t method of training oneself out of that fear, so it’s super hard to get started. With that being said, it has been working very well for me. Not only is conversation becoming easier to maintain, but so is actually getting myself to initiate interactions with other people. It’s true what they say: practice makes perfect. You just need to will yourself into actually doing it.

    Also: remember that it’s okay to be awkward. People get it. Most people have experienced social anxiety so they’re not going to think you’re a weirdo just because you fumbled a bit during conversation

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