So 3 days ago I had sex with my boyfriend, he ejaculated then pulled out. We noticed that there was white liquid at the base of the condom and inside the condom too along the shaft. We were using the Durex extra safe one and he was certain it wasn’t broken or slipped off since his semen was also in the tip of it. It was also during my ovulation day based on my prediction app, I still took a plan B pill the day after knowing it wouldn’t be as effective during ovulation but still did it anyway just in case. Was it the semen leaking or just my discharge? And is there a possibility for me to get pregnant?

  1. I would imagine it was you getting ‘creamy’ during the sex. It happens to me with my partner quite often and unless if there was no semen in the condom I think you are pretty safe. If you were close to ovulation, then I’d definitely go with the discharge theory as in my experience there’s way more of everything in that part of the cycle.

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