In your opinion, what’s your partner worst trait?

  1. Thinking that men that approach her aren’t hitting on her…
    Given her number to 4 different dudes past 2 months

  2. She’s very trusting of strangers.

    It’s not a bad thing per se as I think I’m a little overly cautious but she handed her bank card to someone at the door a few weeks ago because she didn’t know how to say “no thanks” and just close the door apparently they just kept talking so she couldn’t get a word in. I had to contact the charity involved and her bank and cancel any payments pending.

    She was lucky this time around but it could well have been someone trying to clean her bank account out.

  3. Her temper. She gets mad for the most ridiculous things and then comes the silent treatment. I just ignore her and do my thing. She eventually comes around and then I make fun of her childish behavior.

  4. Ditzy. Spills things and misses the point a lot. Makes it difficult to have real discussions

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