Been seeing this guy for about a month, we don’t talk every day but I’d say every other. It’s been 3 days since I’ve heard from him & I sent the last text…so wondering if it’s time to move on? My friend said she has a 3 day rule so she was like if he doesn’t text u by tonight then he’s done. Would love to hear opinions on this, early stages of dating are funny lol.

  1. When you say you’ve been seeing this guy for a month, are you exclusive and in a proper relationship or is it just casual? If you are bf/gf then 3 days is not a good sign. Call me old-fashioned but in a relationship, I believe you should be in contact everyday even if it’s just a quick text to check in on each other.

  2. Yikes. If you actually like him then just say “hey, how’s your week going?” and see if he responds.

    Is double-texting really so fricking shameful that you’d throw away a possibly good relationship over a slight difference in communication styles or some dumb rule?

    If you do see him again, have a chat about your preferred modes and frequency of conversation and take it from there.

  3. If he’s interested he’ll reply as quickly as possible. If he takes days, just move on

  4. I would move on honestly. If he’s really into you there’s no way he wouldn’t reach out. Not tryna be harsh but us girls need to stick together and stop taking crumbs from men like there’s no reason he can’t send a text in 3 days. When he eventually reaches back out you can casually ask him what happened but I’d let him go fr

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