at least it seemed like it. we were walking out of the school and i was closer to the cars, and he switched sides. i’ve only been in one other relationship that left me with big trust issues. the smallest things he does make me so happy. he means more to me than he would ever know. i really just wanted an excuse to talk about how much i love him. he is the best boyfriend and i would never ask for anything more. he has stuck with me through really hard things for both of us. he means so much to me.

okay thanks for reading my silly little rant about my perfect boyfriend

  1. I am so happy that you found someone that makes you feel happy and safe : } Have an awesome day and thank you for sharing this uplifting story.

  2. Didn’t the side walk rule start as a thing so ladies would get hit when people dumped their waste into the street

  3. I was told this rule by my mom. It makes sense from the country she was born but 100% makes no sense in America tbh. But if you feel good about it that’s all that matters OP.

  4. It’s a nice gesture, but be for real, if a car hops up on the sidewalk is it really only going to take the guy out? I think not.

  5. I’ve never understood why this “tradition” remains but I get a lotta points for doing it. S/O to dumb traditions and their ability to seep into our psyche!

  6. My mom kinda taught it to me on walks just kinda protection over my sister so ya my dad was always working so didn’t walk with us much. But he did it too so just picked it up from both of them.

  7. I mean it’s like the stairs. Walk behind if going up or in front if going down. That way if they fall you can catch/support.

  8. This is a fun one. I was raised to walk on the traffic side of the sidewalk too. I’ve had more than one date say she “feels pinned” when the guy insists on walking on the traffic side forcing her between him and the buildings.

    Now I ask if my date has a preference. Most don’t care at all but they all have appreciated being asked.

  9. 🙂

    I have a strong preference of being on his left (I carry my bag on my left, so my free hand can hold him).. Though this generally holds true for anybody I’m walking with.

    The other day we were walking on a kinda bike/pedestrian path (it was midnight, so not that busy), and of course he’s *very* aware of my (“weird”) need to be on the left, but he made me switch to be on the inside. We’ve been dating years, but perhaps it was coincidence that I’ve never been on the side closer to cars/vehicles, and we live in a city all roads are generally very heavily fenced/bouldered (it’s one of his complaints – or else I’d not have given it any thought).

    I’m glad to read we’re both dating good men 🙂 And it’s really always the small things that mean the most honestly. I get exactly what you mean <3 I wish you 2 the best.

  10. I like to extend this rule a bit farther, as in when walking past people or through areas that are not safe, to always put myself between my partner and the hazard.

  11. yes girl! i’m happy for you, good guys still exist!! mine still opens the car door for me 4 years later, he’s just amazing in so many ways!

  12. Stay on the sidewalk side of her, unless there is a bigger threat chewing tobaccy in that dark doorway.

  13. Just ask him for what makes you feel safe, comfortable, appreciated, etc. If he genuinely likes you then he’ll oblige.

  14. I heard women love equality so much, some even have the need to use us as meat shields for incoming car collisions.

  15. That’s great tho it doesn’t neccesarily mean anything? Like, i dated a guy like that and he was still – not the best bf outhere. Glad if yours is good aside of such things tho.

  16. I am always using sidewalk rule, when walking with a child, because it gives me halfsecond of additional time to grab him, should he want to run on the road. Never used it with adults though.

  17. All the men I’ve known in my life including my colleagues do this by default. But hey it makes you feel happy – good for you 🙂

  18. Why do men get so many points for this type of thing lmao?? It’s not something they should be praised for

  19. I was in my 40s before I even knew this existed. I’m sure some women appreciate it but it seems pretty daft to me.

  20. i have a caveat to this. i (usually) do the sidewalk rule, but me and a significant other traveled and it was my first time being in another country. i found myself staying a pace back from her instinctively when we walked and i didnt know why at first. it started to annoy her as she wanted to walk next to me and hold hands and shit. but i kept doing it, and i realized at a certain point that it was so i could see her at all times, to clock any incoming threats.

    the point was made when we walked up to club and the bouncer made a joke about me being my girls bodyguard by my behavior. that was when i realized i needed to ease up and walk with my girl cuz she wanted a mate, not a bodyguard. i had to fight my protective impulses to give her what she wanted and have a good time. and that is really what this is about, as someone said above—consideration for what your partner needs and wants. im glad you have found a good one op

  21. My soul mate who I’m now no longer in a relationship with, was the first man to teach me this. The MBE son of a farmer and teacher from Leeds.

    We aren’t together but he still remains my standard for how a man should be.

  22. Never got this tbh. If a car jumps the curbs it dosnt matter if your boyfreind body get smooshed first . Your still gonna get hit. Threats a break could deal with are more likely too come from the other side. Ya know where people usally are.

  23. He’s so perfect and you’re so broken and yet somehow you make it work. Inspiring stuff ☕️

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