what are misogynist mindsets you left behind?

  1. that all women are weak and can’t fight for themselves. really hit hard when I got my ass kicked by a female combatives teacher in the army

  2. Sex is not a thing I buy, or earn, or deserve. Sex is not something I do *to* someone else, or that someone does *to* me. Sex is something I do **with** someone else. (usually…) Ditching the “commodity model” of sex for a ‘performance model’ made me less angry, less pushy, and less hung up in general.

  3. That all women can cook. After growing up with a mother who couldn’t cook, and a long line of ex girlfriends who also couldn’t cook, i’m pretty sad about thia stereotype being bullshit.

  4. That you need to belong to a certain gender to do the job. I really don’t care if a man cuts my hair or helps me pick out perfumes, or a woman helps me with wine.

    I have a step father who whole-heartedly believes that women can’t teach him anything. Imagine him, mum, dad, me and the female shrink sitting in a room with my stepdad ignoring everything she says, simply because she’s a woman.

    That hit me hard. And I realised that I had not acted on the things I wrote above, but the session really reinforced that just because you’re a gender that normally doesn’t get represented that much doesn’t mean that you can’t do a great job.

    As long as you’re good at your job, or if you aren’t great but willing to learn, that’s something I’ll cherish and do that I’ll return and likely get help or a service provided by the same person.

  5. Just because I’m happy/ok being treated a particular way, doesn’t mean she should be also.

  6. Being nice works,

    Women are irreplaceable

    She’s worth more than your job.

    These are misogynistic on the basis that they are not treating women as equals. I treat the women the same way as I treat the men. Like shit.

    From that I see who can dish it back to determine how I proceed with how I treat them as individuals.

    Most either try to fuck or call me a raging sexist. When I literally treat them the same.

  7. The idea that work traditionally done by women is worthless and undignified. Turns out that if nobody cleans, nobody cooks, and nobody maintains family ties and emotional presence, things go to shit really fast. Anyone can do these things, and everyone should.

  8. None, but lately society has tried to make me feel like I had some misogynistic mindsets, but that didn’t change anything.

  9. That all women would be good mothers.

    That you should never hit a woman. Even in self defense.

    That women are the nicer/fairer sex. They aren’t. Especially with one another. They can be just as mean if not worse. Especially when it comes to one another. Men will fight and shake hands. Women will do everything in their power to destroy each other; cold war style.

    That all women are feminine. A lot of women don’t care about their appearance or how they are perceived. They’d rather have dirt under their nails than step foot in a nail salon.

  10. Before we met, my wife killed an intruder with a kettle ball after he attacked her and her dog during a home invasion. She is 5’4 and 115 lbs. When I found that out it really made me think twice of myself as her “protector” bc I’m a bigger, stronger male.

  11. That most women are weak and can’t fight.

    Changed when I started doing jiu-jitsu and got choked out by a girl who was 5’3 and probably 100ish pounds.

  12. Builds thick skin. Sense of camaraderie, you get to see how they respond to stress therefore how reliable in a pinch.

    Is this someone to enjoy a few beers with or is this going to be someone you could rely on during a long night.

    These sort of things.

    So make the jokes. Dish then out,take them back.

  13. When I was younger thought any woman I’d ever consider marrying would have to be a virgin

    Then of course I banged (or tried to) every girl I dated

    Needless to say, my original thoughts on the matter were unrealistic & fucking stupid

  14. If you really loved me, you wouldn’t ask me to change who I am.

    If you really loved me, you would love me enough to change.

    Both of these are bullshit arguments. Is the change a positive thing? How negative is the particular thing that you’re being asked to change? That’s what matters.

  15. Too much normal male behaviour gets labelled misogynistic, overly used slur. As long as women can admit to their double standards and call out their own misandry, I am not listening to that word again.

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