what’s “too much to ask for” for you, in a relationship?

  1. My rule is anything that they can’t give you. Anything that doesn’t feel mutually beneficial or possible.

    Some examples: Asking to move in but can’t split the bills, help around the house, etc, and it’s benefits them more than you.

    Or meeting their friends and family, but they haven’t met yours yet or haven’t attempted to.

  2. •An open relationship
    •Never having kids

    If my SO asked these things of me then it would me too much to ask for. Both would end the relationship.

  3. To live in a sexless relationship. I’ve been through it before and not something I’d do again. Yes there’s always situations in a relationship where it might stop temporarily for health reasons and those situations I’m okay with. But otherwise nope.

  4. Any kind of control on appearance like my clothes or makeup or hair. They can ask or let me know their preferences but any more than that is unacceptable.

    If they want me to do or provide things they aren’t or wouldn’t be willing to also.

    Dealing with their dysfunctional family when they haven’t set healthy boundaries.

    And (super specific I know) but I recently had to have a talk with my husband about what he would do if a friend or relative wanted him to take custody of their kids in the event that they died because I’m childfree and that includes ever living with a child, being in a relationship with a parent or guardian or being a guardian in any capacity. So that. That would be a massive no for me.

  5. They won’t help you when you start looking tired, someone who wouldn’t lift a finger or give you surprises, someone who isn’t emotionally self-aware.

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