I have a trio group of me, a guy and a girl who i have known for 2 years now and we are in the same college. The thing is we all 3 were besties (the girl and I share a deeper bond and are much closer) but after we 3 got very close the girl and I found out that the guy is a jackass and very eccentric and egoistic. So the girl distanced herself from the guy gradually by talking to him less and with others more. It wasn’t obvious at first but the guy kinda understood that she didn’t like him very much, mind you.. we have tried to explain his flaws to him but everytime we try to make him understand he’ll just change the topic and ignore.

Months later those two had a fight and didn’t talk for a week but now everything’s normal. Those 2 talk but the girl doesn’t share her personal life that much as she does to me…

And my classmates keep “associating” me with him like you know… its just… i feel he’s bad company for me and it would hurt my reputation too if I keep sticking around with him coz i have experienced that before. He’s a very negative person and because of his egoistic and eccentric nature he hardly has any friends which is totally his fault coz every time someone tries to be his friend he’ll push them away in some manner. We had faced that too and confronted him, well, thats a different story…

Since he doesn’t have any friends he keeps roaming around me, for example if I go out after class alone to take a stroll he’ll follow me which is driving me crazzzzzyyyy… i dont wanna come out as rude and dont see any way to deal with this politely and distance myself from him. I try to ignore his texts, calls, not include him in my outings (i cut him out in NYE’s party btw) but he doesn’t get the hint

Tl;dr- Used to bestfriends before but I don’t consider him as that anymore coz he’s f-ing weird, people associate me with him all the time, trying to cut him off but is unable to do that in a polite way

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