First ever real relationship, both in our early 20s. Unfortunately she didnt feel the same. We dated for about 2 months, I thought I was clear with my intension but apparently she didnt want to face the topic until last week. Hell I power dated her, always finding cool activities and places to go and trying to make every time we met special. I really feel down, worn out and cant concentrate on anything, which is bad with uni exams.

I thought something real was gonna happen but she wanted just a fwb and now, not even sure why, I feel like shit.

Dunno maybe I want to hear out similar stories or your personal tips. At least I feel like I have grown and wont commit the same mistake of getting attached so easily again.

TL;DR – share similar stories or tips to make me feel better

1 comment
  1. > First ever real relationship,

    I think this is the key. It’s your first experience and sounds like you’ll learn some lessons from it (not a bad thing).

    You’ll know for next time to be clearer and take the deflection of not talking about it as an answer of their intention as well

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