My gf (trans minor) and I (bigender minor) have been dating for a little over 6 months and she’s taking things incredibly fast. She has started talking about getting married and having kids together and this makes me incredibly uncomfortable considering we haven’t even made it out of high school yet. How do I tell her to back off without making her upset? She has lots of mental issues and I’m like a coping mechanism to her. She says that I’m the only person she can go to to talk about anything and has admitted that if we were to break up she’d try to commit “superslide” (her words not mind). I really do love her. She’s the best person in my life right now and she brings me happiness to a level I didn’t even know existed, I’d just like her to focus on what’s happening right now rather than 10+ years in the future

  1. It sounds like your partner honestly needs therapy. That is a lot of unfair pressure (especially high school) and guilt to trap you into a relationship because you might fear they off themselves.

    They also seem to have an unhealthy dependence on you.

    With that said there honestly is no easy way. No matter what you say it will sting. So make sure as you have that talk you give them a lot of reassurance. It will help. But honestly they need a therapist.

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