So my bf and I were talking the other day and we got on the subject of side hustles because we both could use some extra money. I joked and said I’d do OF, personally it’s not for me but he supported it. At first I was thinking wtf do you not care enough about me that you would be cool with random dudes seeing me naked?? But then he said he is so comfortable in our relationship and trusts me so much that he wouldn’t be bothered by it and would actually help me. He also mentioned his ex said the same thing and he basically told her no way and would break up with her if she pursued it, only because she was the type to be unfaithful and would end up taking it too far.

Im happy he’s supportive but again it’s not something I’d do nor something he’s forcing/convincing me to do. So I just want to know what other men think about it. How would you feel if your gf wanted to do OF? Would you support her decision or would it be a hard no?

  1. He doesn’t want you to do it but said he’d support you if you did which is different. Sounds like he’s a great dude. Or maybe he has a kink for people getting off over you lol.

  2. She can do whatever she want it’s her body it’s her choice. Similarly I can walk out for obvious reasons being my life my choice.

  3. Be happy he’s supportive and not the jealous type. If he keeps pushing you to do it, that’s a red flag.

    Also, be thankful that he thinks you’re hot enough that people would pay to see you naked.

    Could be he’s looking at how much people make on there and wants to cash in.

  4. He supports you if you choose to do it but isn’t forcing your decision either way? And this is a problem?

  5. I wouldn’t. If she’s in OF or Tiktok she ain’t no wife material. She belongs to the streets.

  6. I mean I guess if I was a heroin addict and needed my next fix I would think it was a great idea. Probably also have you call your dentist for a date though.

  7. If you both have that level of comfort then power to you, most people aren’t the only person who’s seen they’re SO naked

    It takes full trust and comfort on both sides which I think is probably quite rare, already billions of titties online so what’s another pair

  8. depends on the content. if it’s just bikini shots or suggestive outfits, i’d be fine. if she’s getting naked and pleasuring herself while someone else watches, then nope.

  9. In all honesty I’d be somehow ok with it, but with some clear ground rules. Only solo and mild stuff, no public or more extreme things, no strangers and other weird stuff. Also OF could be used for something else not sexy stuff, but I digress. If she agrees with those and I want to be involved in every step, all good, if not sorry but it’s a hard pass. Hard pass as in you go your way I go my way and remain nothing more than friends if you wish that, if not we’re strangers.

  10. That would be a hard no for any kind of “sex work” (aka polite way of saying prostitution nowadays). Idc if theres no touching, its still using your body to sell sexual gratification. Its not literal bodies but in a twisted way it can be worse when other men get to say they have intimate knowledge of you but on the grand scale of the internet. You wont even know who they are globally. Fuck that, cant have self respect being with a chick like that.

    On 1 side its nice to be supported & trusted… but for this? Damn… like you said, does he not care? Where’s his pride in claiming the sanctity of you as only his?

  11. You have a little boy as your boyfriend, not a real man. Cringiest thing for dudes to say they’d support their SO doing an onlyfans. My goodness the state of men these days are laughable

  12. I would feel VERY bad, like *really fkng bad*.

    Actually, it’s a personal thing for me, as my first ex was an actress and sometimes there were these “kisses” and “sex scenes” things, which I wasn’t okay with. We discussed a lot about but things easily turned into an argument.
    In the end, our relationship was actually really toxic for both of us I’ve taken a long time trying to heal from it.
    Today, I can’t really watch a film with sex scenes without feeling ordinary.

  13. It’s not cheating in my book. It’s money. And maybe it’d a bit of a turn-on that I’d be fucking the girl other guys pay just to see naked.

  14. She is worth it. It’s the only good reason.

    I am in relationship with a person, not projecting my relationship expectations onto person. The more she is worth being with, the more I’m willing to suspend my expectations.

  15. If my wife was set on doing it but she’d have to be able to maintain some anonymity since she’d possibly lose her job. I’d also draw the line at her banging other guys, I’m not down with that. However you can make serious $$$ doing it and it could provide you some financial freedom as long as it wouldn’t be a long term career choice.

  16. The only reason I can think of, would be because she is now my ex-GF. Because thats a deal breaker. 🤣✌️

  17. I would not be in a relationship with someone who does sex work, but that’s just me.

    And it’s on you whether or not you would be comfortable dating someone who is complicit with their significant other being a sex worker.

  18. If money was tight I would seriously consider it, but softcore only, and if only brings like 1k a month I would look for other ways to make that money. Having porn of herself online is not something I would like for her, its dangerous.

  19. I would not be okay with my wife or gf doing onlyfans. I don’t want to be in a relationship with a sex worker.

  20. My girlfriend was trying to get me to sell feet pics for extra money 😂 but we were mostly kidding, although I’m sure she wouldn’t care if it’s just my feet

  21. I’m literally the same way with my gf.
    Luckily we don’t need to do this kind of stuff to get moniz. But if the need was there, or even just for shits n giggles – I wouldn’t say no, lol.

    And yes, it’s because of trust and respect. Cuz if the girl wasnt trustworthy – it’d be a no no.
    See this as a big green flag on his part. Rather than a red one.

  22. Me personally, I wouldn’t support my gf being a camgirl on OF.

    It’s not a trust or insecurity thing for me, but a respect thing. I don’t feel like my gf has respect for me if she is showing her body and doing sexual content for other men. It’s not just showing off her body. Men are watching her play with herself, talking dirty, and doing “request”.

    On top of that, my ex-wife did OF. I told her I didn’t like it nor support it, but she did it anyway. The marriage got toxic and I just became numb. Didn’t feel anything for her, not love, not physical attraction, nothing. She would eventually cheat on me with other men towards the end of the marriage.

  23. Doing it for extra money is understandable considering the current inflation and economic downpour.

    While I myself wouldn’t want my gf to have a OF (ha if I had one), if the trust is there and she wants to do it, I would support her provided there’s some boundaries. After all, although not guaranteed, you can make serious money off of it.

  24. Hell would freeze over before I ever supported my partner doing Onlyfans. Of course it’d ultimately be her choice, but it’d likewise be my choice to end the relationship. 1000% instant dealbreaker.

    To me, intimacy and sexuality is something I want to share exclusively with the woman I love. Our sex life is special because it’s a result of that love for each other. I don’t want to give any part of myself to anyone else intimately, even via avenues like Onlyfans or online sex work, and I couldn’t be with someone who didn’t feel the same.

    And yes, I might ‘trust’ that it’s just Onlyfans and there won’t be any feelings or meet-ups involved, but it being “just Onlyfans” is still more than I could accept. Other jobs exist so it isn’t necessary, and it’s something we could never fully undo if we regretted it after the fact, what’s done is done. So nope, hard pass for me.

  25. Everyone’s different. In my opinion, part of the meaning of being in a relationship with a woman, means I’m the only one who gets sexual access to my partner. This is the same the other way round.

  26. Charging random dudes on the internet for nakedness is not a threat to my security.

    Sending them free to a friend would be.

    Depends a whole lot on the woman and what kind of person she is.

  27. If the face can be recognized, I’d prefer not, or it’s just stuff that one could post on IG. But that’s not going to make a whole lot of money.

    Full on porn, nah. The money would have to be life changing for me to think twice.

  28. “I joked and said I’d do OF” – then you get upset when he supports the idea. Did you shit test him on purpose? Don’t be shocked if the answer you get isn’t what you want to hear.

  29. Maybe if she didn’t show her head/face so it wasn’t obvious who she was. Also maybe if it got her “in the mood” for me to benefit from later on

  30. I’m not a man so you might not care what I think…. But I’ve been in a loooong term relationship with my man. It was his idea to start my OF acct. He loves it and helps me create content. I mean I sleep with him at the end of the day so as long as our relationship isn’t affected he doesn’t care.

  31. As long as she only did it with me or by herself I don’t think I would mind her making money that way, although it would make things awkward if we knew the people participating

  32. Honestly?

    Guessing your boyfriend is a swinger type? I am not into open relationships, swinging, etc. (more on that in a min) so the only way I would be ok with my an SO doing OF is if I viewed the relationship as short term thing.

    What does open relationships / swinging have to do with OF? I know a few girls that do OF; the thing is no matter how hot they are, they don’t really make money from nude pictures, or videos rubbing one out in the shower, or them stuffing huge dildos up thier ass (which is required apparently). People are not paying for porn on OF. They can view all the porn they want for free all day every day and never run out. No, they are paying for intimacy, connection, the “Girlfriend experience” if you will. They make money from the interactions, DM’s, private chats, private video calls etc.

    I trust my wife completely, I am 100% secure in our marriage; but I would be unwilling to sit by and watch my wife be a girlfriend to all these other dudes for money; which IMHO is just e-prostitution.

  33. Unless it solves world hunger or drops my local crime statistics by like 5 standard deviations then I wouldn’t be okay with it.

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