So I met this girl on bumble, seemed pretty and my kind in personality.

Chatted for 2-3 weeks, then met up last night.

OMG, she was way prettier in real life versus her pics, and super cool to talk to. Probably had the best 3 hour date of my life as we couldn’t stop talking, making jokes, having fun.

We’re quite similar and I think she enjoyed it, she has a super interesting background that I find very intriguing.

The date ended a little awkward as I wanted to go in for a kiss and hesitated, thus just two hugs and we left 🙁

Wasn’t sure how she felt, and then got home, called a friend, and then when I came off I saw a 3 messages from her saying how much of a good time she had, we chatted a bit and then went to bed.

So good date….

However, this is my first real date since my divorce. I’ve met up with 2 other girls from Bumble, but weren’t attracted to either from the start and those were 30-45 min conversations over coffee.

This one, we both didn’t want it to end, only reason we did was that it was 12:30AM (met her for drinks at 9pm) and we both had early starts the next day today.

Question here is, this feels too good to be true and it’s scaring me.

I’m also scared that it’s been so easy to meet someone so perfect, like I expected to be single and not really liking someone for sometime.

Ah, first world problem I know, but still I am a bit scared about how much I’m feeling.

1 comment
  1. Happened to me after a 14 year ltr and it gives a good ego boost.

    My advice is, do not get too high on expectations and just go with the flow of the moment. Time will tell, so just enjoy the moment.

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