To hell with these relationship posts, tell where is the most comfortable place you’ve slept outside of a bed.

  1. My pack hammock, hanging off two trees on a rock face in the Yosemite Valley. Heaven on Earth!

  2. When I was 15 I worked summers at a lumber yard and I used to be able to catch a lunch-break nap on a stack of plywood.

    Now I can’t get that kind of sleep on a several thousand dollar mattress.

  3. When I was in the military, I could curl up and sleep inside the well of a spare tire in the back of a 5-ton truck. There’s no sleep like the sleep rolling down the road with the vibration of the road and the steady churning sound of a diesel engine.

  4. My parents couch. I basically lived on it for a while after I graduated highschool. Still had my room and my bed but for some reason the couch just felt way better. I slept there when I wasn’t crashing at my friends place.

  5. I slept on my floor for like a whole year even tho I had a bed. It was more comfortable.

  6. The bathroom floor at my friends house. They had this super soft mat outside the shower and after it was washed and dried it was like a cloud.

  7. When my back hurts I lay my comforter on the hardwood and burrito myself. Feels sooooooooo good

  8. It was a breathable hammock that you could wrap around yourself and block out most light. Any light that did pass through was a soft red light. The breeze of the mountain forest washing over that, the warm sun with the nip of autumn, the sound of birds nearby and a stream behind the house you’re staying in, it was a great experience

  9. I have a homemade hammock that’s huge, and I found that if I string it through a tent, I get the best of both worlds: The weather-proofing of the tent combined with the comfort of the hammock.

    To do this, you need a big tent with doors on both sides. It’s a strange arrangement, and the hammock shakes the entire tent when I sway myself to sleep, but damn it’s nice. No rain, no mosquitos, and no laying on the cold ground with a root in my back.

  10. As a married man I made sure every sofa ever purchased is comfortable to sleep on. Nuff said.

  11. I was recovering from a psychotic break. I had a symptom called Akathesia that I didn’t know was a common drug side effect. I couldn’t sleep for 3 days. I swam in the pool of my local YMCA desperate to tire out my restless legs and the agitation in the knees.

    I slept on the tile floor of my grand aunt’s a/ced kitchen because the cold soothed my knees.

    I cried when I realized that we could call them on that first weekend Sunday and that there was emergency care that could help and the return ride home with the pills I needed.

  12. Made a shelter under a fallen pine, added in some insulating branches along both sides, a tarp valence and door. Made myself a little natural mattress and slept in my sleeping bag on a cool night in the middle of the woods with a belly full of fresh meat and wild berries. Best sleep I ever had.

  13. I was working midnights in a (automotive) warehouse after my daughter was born. Almost no sleep because of the kid and work etc.

    Anyway one night it was just me and one other guynand a *really* light load for the night. He straight up said “help me knock this out and you can sleep the rest of the shift”

    So I did. And I strung up a hammock between two warehouse racks. It was about 68°, and the giant ass ceiling fan (10 ft blades, no joke) gently rocked the hammock. A gentle umm of the fan was all you could hear. Even had a light blanket I got from my car.

    I slept *hard* and he woke me up 30 mins before day crew came in. Best 7 hours of sleep I ever got.

  14. My mum and dads sofa when my brother in law was visiting with his 6 dogs.

    Was SO tired so put my head down for a 10 minute nap, woke up again a couple of hours later with terrier pups curled up in every available gap left on the sofa.

    One behind my knees, one snuggled under my arm with another under my hand, one resting its head on my feet

    Best sleep ive ever had.

  15. Across 5 wheelie desk chairs in the computer room on my university campus after a night out.

    Always elevate the fifth chair if you sleep sideways so your head is comfortable.

  16. Passenger seats of trucks (the European kind), busses are dangerous for me when I go home from a bar as well. I can fall asleep in 2 minutes if I let myself no matter the time of day. The vibration and sway are like a crib to me.

    Also when I stay over I don’t do well in guest beds for some reason, I’ll sleep like a baby on almost any couch though.

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