So let me preface this by saying that relationships are completely fine at my job. We actually have a married couple at my branch who got into a relationship in our company. Secondly, I’m not going to be sticking around at this job for any more than 6 months as I will be self employed pretty soon.

So now that that’s out of the way, let me explain my situation. So there’s this girl at work whom I was never really interested in (I’ve been at my current branch for 2 years) from the time I moved to my branch until recently. She’s very attractive but I honestly just thought she was nice and nothing more. As far as our relationship was, sometimes we would say hi but we never interacted with each other unless we had to.

She’s introverted too, she’s not one to just socialize with people outside of those whom she’s willing to talk to. She’s the mom of our branch so everyone has to interact with her at one point but having actual conversations are not necessary. I tried to slowly get her to open up to me for the intent of us having a neutral relationship so that’s what I did.

Idk what I happened but as recent as a few weeks ago, all of a sudden she’s had a 180 in the way she interacts with me. She comes to my office everyday, **every single day** (she never comes to my office) and as opposed to just talking about work stuff and leaving right away, she sticks around. She’s always bubbly and sings my name and unless I’m just really oblivious, I’ve never seen her like this towards anyone. Now I’m starting to get interested but I’m not sure what to do. I’ve never pursued a relationship from work so I don’t know what socially right. I feel like asking for a date is too straightforward but then how else am I supposed to get to know her? Not even sure how I should ask for her number either, should I just ask? Any tips would be much appreciated.

TLDR: this quiet girl at work all of a sudden is really bubbly towards me and comes to my office everyday. How should I ask her out? Should I just ask for her number?

  1. Invite her to a local music venue or something like that. Once there, you two get to know one another. But understand this-

    Keep it PRIVATE and between you two. ESPECIALLY if there’s mutual interest and it develops into something. Keep things professional and mundane at work. You don’t want coworkers in your business, even if your job allows for relationships among coworkers.

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