(18 f) won’t get into what he has lied about, but they have been major things. It’s never been cheating or anything like that. And honestly we have a great relationship besides this. We are compatible, and I truly love him. But it’s like just when I think I find the truth, he hides the other details. Which I find later on. And then he gets frustrated at me for invading his privacy because I don’t trust him. It’s not even his actions that upset me, but the lying itself. I feel so lost. I know I can’t fix him, and I understand we are all human. I am also trying to improve by calming down and not getting mad. This time he says he won’t do what he did again, but I’m afraid. I don’t want to just keep getting dragged, praying that he is telling the truth, when it all turns out to be a big lie. I don’t think he understands how much this messes with me. But at the same time I want to trust him. I’m NOT going to leave him, so please don’t tell me to. But I just need genuine advice. I lack friends and a family to console in.

  1. people that lie usually lie about EVERYTHING. your boyfriend has been this way for 19 years, he will not stop lying overnight – it is a learned behavior. but that really isn’t the issue here.

    your boyfriend has shown you who he is and it looks like you don’t like who he is. you need to accept that he is that person and not who he could be in your mind.

  2. End it. Habitual liars don’t stop, they get worse. He sounds pathological and it’s not worth your time or effort.

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