I would like to use more terms of endearment in new relationship, but it feels awkward

I (f28) like using terms like “babe” and “baby” with partners, but I’ve only had one relationship where this was the norm. And it started because he was doing it for weeks before I finally had the confidence to say it back.

I have been dating someone (m36) for about a month and a half and I really would like to use more terms of endearment.

I don’t know why I feel awkward about it, I just get scared it will come out weird or unnatural sounding.
This may be a weird thing to ask advice for but if anyone has any insights or suggestions of how I can do this so it sounds natural I would greatly appreciate it.

TLDR I want to call my partner babe but don’t know how to start saying so it sounds natural

  1. Just start. It may be awkward for you at first but practice makes perfect. Eventually you’ll do it without thinking.

  2. Commit yourself to a couple weeks of feeling awkward and doing it anyway, and eventually it will feel natural. If you want, you can have a convo with your bf about it, and maybe he will join in or even take the lead.

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