My boyfriend (22M) and I (22F) have been dating for over 8 months now. We have been long distance, he lives an hour and a half away but tries to visit me at least once a week (I can’t visit him because I don’t have a car)

Things were going so good with us, but then it’s like he goes back home and now he responds to me way less. He’s always at work ( which I udnerstand, he can’t talk to me at work) but then after that literally every single night he goes to his friends house to hang out. He says he will text me, but he barely texts me at all when he is there. Now even when I know he’s doing nothing, not hanging out with people or anything, he takes forever to respond to me than he used to, almost an hour each time. It makes me feel like i’m annoying him so I’ve been trying to text and respond to him less.

I feel really hurt by this. We don’t talk as often as we used to at all. He always makes time for his friends and the only time we really get to talk is in phone calls before he goes to bed. I feel like he is doing the bare minimum for our relationship, and I feel like I don’t matter to him as much anymore, I don’t feel like a priority to him compared to time with his friends. He says sweet things like he misses me and all, but his actions don’t really show it, or at least lately.

I’m not going to ask him to spend less time with his friends, I know he needs it, but it’s just a little bit hurtful and now I keep thinking he is responding less because he is going to break up with me. I don’t know what to do. I also feel like maybe I could be overreacting, but I don’t know, it still hurts my feelings because you would think that you would try talking a little more to your girlfriend who you barely see compared to your friends who you literally see every single night??

TL;DR – I feel like my (22M) boyfriend will break up with me (22F) because he is taking forever to respond to me now and is always with his friends.

1 comment
  1. I mean, honestly maybe you should break up. Can you really tell me you’re happy right now.

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