You found out your wife/gf slept with almost anybody and everybody in her hometown/city/highschool/college. Dudes tell you the nastiest and dirtiest stories about her and she confirmed all of it. She moved because it was so bad that they gave her nick names like ‘Vicky the Vacuum” or “Gloria the Hole”.

Now she’s telling you not to judge her and all she did in the past doesn’t matter now. Do you think she’s right? Would you be okay with this? What would you do and why?

  1. I already love the person I know them to be today, so other than being slightly amused and feeling bad for whatever shame she deals with over it, I wouldn’t care.

  2. A younger me would have minded. But an older me is grateful.

    Every play Mortal Kombat or Super Smash Brothers?

    Whats more fun? Playing against someone that knows a lot of different moves and can play multiple characters? *Or* someone that can only play one and mashes the same buttons and combo over and over again.

    I rest my case.

    But if she’s still in a lot of contact and still giving her past flings fuck buddy hugs then its a no go.

  3. How does she feel about it? If it’s a youthful excess which she now regrets then it’s no problem. Everyone’s on a different journey, I made my own mistakes so I’d have no right to judge her. If she looks back on it as her glory days then that’s a red flag.

  4. I found out this after the fact on a high school girlfriend.

    I got tested for STDs.

    And I rejected the offer of attachment-free sex she made several years later.

  5. That is that new age bs.

    Of course her past matters.

    Scarcity and value is the same thing. Your value as a woman comes from the fact that people want you and can not have you.

    If your so has so little self respect, that she does it with everyone she encounters, no filter at all, from the rich banker to the bum behind the dumpster – it will obviously change your view of her.

    It’s a bad reproductive choice. And this is not on a social level, it’s deep down in us men.

    That’s pretty much the same as buying a car and the salesman’s telling you ll the previous owners and how often it had broken down.

  6. Fuck now I have that annoying ass Hey Mickey song stuck in my head but the remix

    Oh Vicky, you’re so fine, You’re so fine, you blow my dick Hey Vicky, hey Vicky

  7. Eh just dump her

    Being in a relationship kinda sucks for me cuz I like flirting

    So I can’t really see myself being too upset about cheating because ya know your boy keeps them lifeboats on deck.

    the older I get the more I realize commitment scares me

  8. Keep her as FWB and no more. If you didn’t find this out in the dating stage and end up marrying a girl like this it’s your own fault.

  9. ooooooooh tough, and very unrealistic, but let’s just get hypothetical.

    If my wife ended up being the town bike before me, and I SOMEHOW never picked this up (for like half her life now!!!). shiiiet that’s on me.

    It would definitely change the way I look at her, I’d also be very confused because I’d be wondering where the fuck all that energy is at cuz she sure as shit ain’t doing crazy shit with me.

    Either way, I don’t think she’s right, her past totally matters and she should have definitely mentioned this way earlier on, but because we’re 2 kids deep and have gone through almost half our lives together, it is what it is now (somehow)… I’d just demand to see the nastiest slut ever in the bed room now.

  10. Boy i live in a village that’s almost a egg, everyone slept or kissed everyone, and my wife’s sister is my ex girlfriend, so yeah i would definitely not give a fuck, if she’s fateful that’s all that matter, the rest is just history.

  11. If her past stays there, it’s a lot easier to deal with this. If that past invades the present through tales and recounting by others, it’s mighty awkward and will make most men uncomfortable.

    You don’t need to judge her for her choices. You also shouldn’t be judged if those choices make you uncomfortable now.

    If you feel this isn’t something you can move past, you should amicably part ways with her and wish her all the best.

  12. At the very least, I’d need some kind of proof she’s not so impulsive anymore, and we’d probably move and never ever discuss it again.

  13. Considering how my town is… if she managed to have that title and walk away with no STDs, no extra kids, and looking as nice as she does/did when we first dated?

    I’d ask what her secret is and she should write a book about it.

  14. Well if she had a partner and was still sleeping with a bunch of people, anything other than a FWB situation would be putting your head in the Lions mouth.

    Unfortunately, and people like to avoid it, the reality is she would be someone who can separate love and sex, which raises the odds of hearing “I love you, it was just sex with him/her, it doesn’t have to affect us”.

  15. That’s fine, she found a promiscuous guy. I enjoy people who know what they like, and is often preferred. Experience is hot.

  16. Past always matters.

    A Person’s past is the best indicator of future behavior and tells you a lot about what kind of person they are.

    No, I would not be ok with this, I would be single.

  17. So, first things first, the **past definitely does matter**. When I think about a person’s past I think about their moral decisions and actions.

    With regard to the scenario in the OP, has she tested clean? Were all of these encounters consensual? Were any of them ‘*cheating*’ scenarios? Why did she have so many encounters?

    If it was all fun/relationships, there was no cheating or ‘*weaponized*’ sex, and she has no STDs then I’m okay with that.

    I am, however, not okay with finding out that her name is either ‘*Vickie*’ or ‘*Gloria*’…. I mean, WTH….

    I don’t really care about body count. I care about **the context**. If she was the AP for dozens of men, that matters to me. If she used herself to get out of tickets/get good grades/etc. that matters to me. The context is what is important, not the actual number.

    Also, I wouldn’t be talking to people about her sex stories. That’s not something that I do in general and I certainly wouldn’t do that with someone I’m dating/married to/etc.

  18. if she is loyal to you then who cares? I slept with tons of woman before my wife and they are nothing but a distant memory now. if anything I’d just be happy you found one with talent

  19. I want a divorcce.. STD test.. my money back.. who is a priest for an exorcism? If that all not help..


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