What is something a SO has said that changed your perspective on relationships permanently?

  1. “I gave you a ride. Why do expect emotional support too? The ride was the support.”

    This was after I asked him to please take me to my son’s school so that I could pick him up early after he was sexually assaulted. My partner bitched at me the entire time because “I could be making money right now instead of driving you across town.”

    I was under strict orders of my doctor not to drive at the time due to seizures and didn’t have a car.

  2. “I didn’t mean ‘if that’s your decision’ as a positive or a negative. I meant it to confirm that’s what you decided.” – If you couldn’t tell I’ve been controlled by other people my whole life… Still learning 😅

  3. “I don’t do the typical boyfriend thing. You don’t need to let me know when you get home, I’ll be passed out by then anyways.”

    Really helped me realize that my friend treated me better than he did.

  4. This was actually something I said to my SO, but I figure it counts considering how hilariously his mind seemed to be blown: Showing off a guy who is courteous and sweet is like our equivalent of a guy wanting to show off their hot girlfriend

    It truly had never occurred to him that we like to brag on our end too lol and that we treasure someone who’s not a totally rude walking embarrassment of a person

  5. “Well you’re not as pretty as she is but I thought you knew that, I didn’t think it bothered you.” Referring to the coworker he cheated on me with, days after miscarrying his baby. Happened over three years ago and haven’t been in a relationship since.

  6. “I can’t believe I ended up with someone who looks like you, I thought I had such higher standards.” Said while laughing.

    Terrified of getting into another relationship, it’s so hard not to think that everyone is just settling for me.

  7. “Modern women aren’t submissive anymore”. And that submission is a good thing because it’s in the bible.

    It really gave me the ick about men and dating dudes in general if they are expecting “submission” from me. I am a whole ass human.

  8. “This isn’t my first relationship, I’ve been in love before. And I can fall in love again some other day.” Still hurts to this day 🙂

  9. “I didn’t think I had to be nice to you because I didn’t think you’d ever leave.” – my ex a few weeks after we broke up when I asked him why he treated me so badly

  10. Told me if I was a better partner he wouldn’t have had to be a closet alcoholic. He said this after he got a DUI.

  11. Not significant other but a character of movie said

    Love is like growing a plant
    You take care of it properly it would be properly grown and all
    Else it will just die.

  12. No relationship is fated or perfect. You find somebody and work to make it perfect all your life.

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