Let me explain, I have almost 4 years with my girlfriend, and we have complain for my follows on social networks, for me I don’t do anything really bad, I follow random Japan girls, aesthetic vibes girls, cosplays and that stuff and yes gave like to some post but there not are too gross, no actually explicit booty or boobs, in other hand there aren’t the only things that I follow, in my feed also have movies, comics, memes, anime, drawings, arts, design, my friends post and all for equal. And no I don’t dm girls, and comment anything in their posts.

I my opinion we have to give respectful to the other, and trust in the other, She knows my phone’s password I know her, I don’t check anything in her phone I trust in her, she occasionally check my phone, but I don’t have any weird chat o photos downloaded.

I don’t know what can I do, I don’t know if I’m thinking in a bad way or minimizing things, but for me that’s not fair, I don’t control her follows and that stuff, most of her friends are men and I don’t have a problem with that, but she still feeling bad and sad about that, says I don’t value her, why I have to do it, she told that she doesn’t follow anyone, and yes she actually hardly follows anyone, some clothing store and things like that, it seems that she will not really use the networks, she barely returns the follow to her friends or acquaintances, which is normal for me.

I love her because I feel safe in a lovely way, we shares many things, like our career or our likes, but things like these or that she is sometimes very dependent on me they make me think and emotionally restless.

Please help me with an opinion or advice, all the things that I said I already told to her. Thank you.

  1. Personally, I wouldn’t be with someone who followed random girls to “look at”. You have to decide what’s more important: your gf who you claim to love or random girls that don’t even know you exist.

  2. Hi — it sounds like the reason you follow those girls is not bc they are “sexy” or “attractive” to you but more bc of your passion/love for anime, comics and cosplay. You’ve given your gf a LOT of leniency into your private life including sharing passwords and phone access. I think that demonstrates a very high level of trustworthiness. The fact that she still doesn’t trust you after that to me is an issue. So you delete all females you’re following but one day she finds you liked some random post with a girl in it and all hell breaks loose. 🤣 OP, you need to gently tell her this is your boundary. If she isn’t okay then move on. She has bigger issues it seems like.

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