What are some signs or characteristics that might predict someone you’re in a relationship with would cheat in the future?

  1. They go to clubs/bars/raves/festivals while in a relationship

    They dress provocatively while in a relationship.

    They post provocative photos while in a relationship.

    They let strangers or other men comment/sexualize them on their provocative photos while in a relationship.

    They have strangers or other men DMing them while in a relationship.

    They hide you from anything/anyone.

    They ever start to work new/different/odd/extended hours.

    They change their phone/laptop password/add one.

    They are more secretive about their phone/laptop.

    They are promiscuous in general/the past.

    They get offended over seeing this list.

  2. Frankly other than them having cheated before, and rest assured most do anything to fix whatever it was in them that said “Hey its ok if I cheat”, there are things that may indicate one person may be cheating , while in another persons case it doesn’t.

    I dated a gal who cheated on all her boyfriends, and I figured “Ah she won’t do that to me” and guess what….yes I joined that club.

    So really beyond previously being a cheater, you can’t pin down anything that may indicate it in the future.

  3. If you dont trust someone not to cheat, its either because theyve given you valid proof that theyre that rype of person, or you have some major insecurities to sort out. If its the former, dont ever trust they wont do it again. If its the latter, maybe stop lookin for someone else before you fix your own issues because thats a major disservice to anyone ypu get involved with.

  4. I think it’s less about signs and more about your relationship health. If she doesn’t feel like you are satisfying her needs in the relationship she is more likely to look elsewhere to get it. You need to communicate with your partner on wants and needs and actually work together to satisfy each other’s. If she is happy and you are not giving her any reason to look for something better she is less likely to want to cheat.

  5. Their attitude and sexual history indicates that they really just want **a** dick as opposed to specifically wanting **your** dick.

  6. then need constant validation from the opposite sex, whether that is talking to the opposite sex online, posting photos for attention, constantly using social media and snapchat ect. These are all signs of insecurity and needing security outwardly which no doubt they will ever find from a partner

  7. Cheating in the past – cheaters are three times more likely to cheat in future relationships if they cheated in the past. That said, it also speaks extremely poorly of them that they can abuse their partner. This is a partner they’ve fooled into believing that they’re in love with. Typically cheaters also start treating their partners like utter shit. So it’s a whole abusive life style. If they can do that to someone they profess to love, then they can do any moral evil.

    So that’s one.

    I would say if she seeks a lot of male attention that’s another bad sign. That combined with being secretive and/or lying would be deal breakers to me.

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