What is your definition of intimacy and how do you know when you have it?

  1. To me, intimacy is when I know someone well enough and feel comfortable enough around them that there is no pretense or wall up. Around people I’m not intimate with, there is always a degree of control and facade. If I’m intimate with someone, it means that I can let myself be 100% myself with them because I know they’ll love and accept me.

  2. my definition of intimacy is being with someone and they feel safe to be themselves around me.
    They can express themselves, tell me anything without pressure. Then bringing out the best in each other by motivating each other appropriately.

  3. Can talk about anything and everything openly, honestly, vunerable without judgement emotionally. they listen, giving you their full attention, not making you feel like you talking to them is you burden them with your feelings or take up time like they want to escape or bored or want to do something else rather than listen to you or spend time with you
    Thry listen and validate your feelings, ellevate your fears and make you feel loved and that you matter to them

    Physically. Hugs, look in the eyes. Just. Being. There.

    If they see me upset, reach out to comfort, without having me have to sob and beg for attention to make them notice how Im feeling like breadcrumbs, like a dog

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